zondag 26 juli 2009

Bear Facts....

We moesten ons voorbereiden op ons tripje naar Tobermory. In de visitors-guide vonden we het volgende artikel:

Get the bear facts:

Bears are normally shy of humans and quickly get out of our way when they see us. There are a number of things you can do if you spot a bear on a trail.

1. Do not approach the bear to get a better look. Slowly back away watching the bear andf wait for it to leave

2. If you are near a building or a car, get inside as a precaution. If the bear was attracted to food or garbage, make sure it is removed after the bear leaves to discourage the bear from returning.

3. It is important to keep dogs away from bears. While a well-trained dog may deter a bear, a poorly trained one may only exccite it resulting in the bear following the dog back to it's owner.

4. If a bear is in a tree, leave it alone. emove people and dogs from the area. The bear will ususally come down and leave when it's safe.

5. IF A BEAR TRIES TO APPROAVH YOU, here is how you should react; Stop. Face the bear. Do not run. If you are with others, stay together as a group. Make sure the bear has a clear escape route, then yell and wave your arms to make yourself look bigger. Use a whistle or airhorn if you have one. The idea is to be aggressive and to persuade the bear to leave. This will work as the bear is still afraid of humans.

6. If these attemps fail to frighten the bear away, slowly back away watching the bear and giving it a wide berth.

7. Climbing in a tgree to get away from a bear may offer you little advantage as black bears are excellent tree thee climbers.

8. A bear may stand upright to get a better view, make huffing or 'popping' sounds, swat or beat the grounds with it's forepaws or even bluff charge. These are a bear's way of telling you that you are too close. Back off and give the bear more space. If the bear comes within range, use pepper spray if you have it.

Zoooooooo, nu maar hopen dat we dit allemaal gaan onthouden als we gaan wandelen door dit gebied! Een fluit en pepperspray hebben we niet, dus dan maar hopen dat de beer nog bang is voor mensen......